
To create a new tool, click the button at the top of the list:

Create tool

To show the actions associated with a tool, click the (menu) icon on its top-right corner:

Show and hide a tool actions

These are the actions available for a tool:

Tool actions
  • Duplicate tool (to create a new tool of the same type and values)
  • Remove tool (to delete it)

Tools can be reordered by dragging their top handle (as for Color schemes)

Input and Output sections

Most of the tools are divided into two sections: Input and Output.

In the Input section, you decide what color(s)/image the tool will work with. In most cases, you can also specify some options, for example what color space you want to work in, how many colors to generate, if to equalize the lightness in the output, and so on.

Tool input section

The Output section contains, for most of the tools, the color scheme(s) it generated, or some other kind of result. Color schemes in output have two actions associated:

  • Export colors (to show the Export colors dialog)
  • Create color scheme from colors (to add a new scheme to the Color schemes list with these colors)
Tool output section